- Recherche
Projet ShareToWell financé dans le cadre du programme EUniWell
Du 01 septembre 2022 au 31 août 2023false false
Sharing a common tool to assess well-being at the University
Responsables scientifiques : Anne CONGARD, Emeline CHAUCHARD et Abdel Halim BOUDOUKHA
Dans le cadre du programme EUniWell, European University for Well-Being.
The present project aims to provide a reliable and valid tool to assess well-being across the different EUniWell universities. This tool might help in sharing study and research programmes, generate synergies, and improve the well-being of individuals.Within a multidimensional approach to well-being (including physical, psychological, spiritual, relational, and general well-being), we propose the Well-being Numerical Rating Scales (WB-NRSs), a previously tested tool with sound psychometric properties (Bonacchi et al., 2021). The specific goal of the present project is the linguistic validation of the English (UK), French, German, Hungarian, Swedish, Spanish, and Dutch version of the WB-NRSs. All EUniWell partners participate in the project.
Mis à jour le 06 février 2025.